Catholic Identity

St Joseph’s School is a Mercy school, our Mercy Charism is lived out through many varied actions.

During the year we participate in a number of whole school and unit masses. We also celebrate together through liturgy as a whole school and in units. At St Joseph’s School, we encourage and work towards having students read, reflect and participate at school and parish masses. We  incorporate vibrant and engaging music at our school masses, always aiming to connect with the message of the Gospel. We continually reference and celebrate the story of our school and parish, developing a deeper knowledge of the Mercy traditions.

Sacramental Program

At St Joseph’s, our preparation for Sacraments is essentially a family based program. Children in Grade 3 will prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Grade 4 students will prepare for the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. We teach about the sacraments at school during class time and support parents in leading their children through the diocesan Steps In Faith Sacramental Preparation booklets. It is essential that we have the support of parents for these and other sessions such as Faith Formation Meetings and other obligations.

Catholic Identity

Catholic Identity sits at the heart of our school, it encapsulates our mission, our aspirations and our values. Our commitment to our Catholic faith in dialogue with others is at the core of our being. We have hope and faith in our future to create a world full of peace, respect, and love as we learn with and from each other. At St. Joseph’s we nurture a diverse community centered on God, following the gospel teachings, the teachings of Jesus and integrating faith and life.

We aspire to build a community of faith in which everyone feels a deep sense of belonging.  Our mission is to continue the works and teachings of Jesus within our world. To be people of love, joy and hope who show respect for all, are willing to serve, have the courage to stand up for what is right and just, have the capacity to build and maintain relationships and to work for justice and peace so that all may live life to the full.

Religious Education

An individual’s Religious Education is a lifelong journey and attending a Catholic School nurtures this. St Joseph’s integrates the Source of Life program into the curriculum daily. The program was designed by quality educators within the Diocese of Sandhurst and is delivered during the school week.

Concepts, values and key messages taught in Religious Education underpin all that we say and do. All students enrolled at St Joseph’s are taught Religious Education and are expected to take part in these experiences.

Religious Education in the contemporary world aims to;

  • Foster within each individual a relationship with God.
  • Immerse children in the story of the Catholic Faith Traditions and to understand the faith traditions in others.
  • Create better self – knowledge and nurture the faith and spiritual journey of all at St Joseph’s
  • Actively commit to acts of Social Justice and Reconciliation and recognise that these are grounded in the story of Jesus.

St Joseph’s Parish

St Joseph’s school and parish welcome every opportunity to connect with the community. We openly invite all children and parents to be active members of our Parish and faith community. Our Parish Priest, The Very Reverend Father Brian Boyle, is involved in our school and gives the students a sense of belonging and spiritual guidance.

Parish Information:

Parish Priest – The Very Reverend Father Brian Boyle